Saturday, November 12, 2011

Learning Tool: AdeLE

Adaptive eLearning with Eye-tracking

Adaptive eLearning is a hot topic right now. Perhaps you have heard it referred to as adaptive training, intelligent tutoring system (ITS), or cognitive tutor, but in any case, adaptive eLearning is a learning system that intelligently adapts learning content to suit learner needs via a computer.

To learn more about adaptive learning, there is a great video and adaptive learning samples posted on the Adaptive eLearning website at UNSW.

In this post, however, I would like to take adaptive eLearning to the next level and advocate for the use of real-time eye-tracking in combination with the content-analysis tracking used by basic adaptive eLearning systems.

Lead by a research team in Austria, a protoype for Adaptive eLearning with eye-tracking is being developed. It is aptly named "AdeLE".

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Pivec, M, Trummer, & C. Pripfl, J. (2006). Eye-Tracking Adaptable e-Learning and Content Authoring Support. Informatica, 30, 83-86

Al-Khalifa, H.S. & George, R.P. (2010) Eye Tracking and e-Learning: Seeing Through Your Students' Eyes. ELearn Magazine, June 2010.

Gütl, C., Pivec, M., Trummer, C., García-Barrios, V.M., Mödritscher, F., Pripfl, J., & Umgeher, M. (2005). AdeLE (Adaptive e-Learning with Eye-Tracking): Theoretical Background, System Architecture and Application Scenarios. EURRODL 12-05.