Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Learning Management: eLearning Landmines

Defusing Landmines in eLearning Projects
Notes from #CETS11 - Chicago eLearning and Technology Showcase

There are many ways eLearning designers and developers can prevent potential project "landmines". In her keynote speech, Jennifer DeVries outlined several "landmines," as well as tasks and tips to prevent them toward helping keep your eLearning project a success. Some of these tips are as follows:

** Test authoring tool and delivery platform (LMS) early in the process, preferrably on target audience computer.
** Schedule SME meetings, and set time expectations early and often.
** Compare scope to status regularly (i.e. course length, content, media).
** Build several revision cycles into your eLearning plan; base the number of revisions on the number of reviewers.
** Use a project tracker to gauge deliverable stages, and budget vs. actual hours.

The document accompanying the presentation, eLearning Scoping Questions, can be found here on the CETS11 Slideshare page. This document outlines 5 questions to ask your client in order to set the project scope and expectations prior to all your hard work.

These 5 areas are:
1) Stakeholders/ Owners and Results Needed
2) Previous eLearning Projects and Expectations
3) Target Audience and Course Delivery
4) Existing Content
5) Course Development/ Production

DeVries, J. (2011) Defusing Landmines in eLearning Projects. Keynote Address - http://chicagoelearningshowcase.com/